Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Friday

I'm saying Happy Friday, not to necessarily mean that today was a happy Friday.  It wasn't bad.  Just bleh.  Work was fine. Didn't get to workout as long as I wanted to afterward because I was with people.  Oh well.  I'm really too tired to write, so I'm not really sure why I even started to.  Mostly, I guess I'm just really depressed because I have worked out almost everyday in the past week with nothing to show for it.  Oh, I was 163.4 this morning.  Really?  :( I feel like I should fast tomorrow to get back on track.  I know it's gross, but I haven't had a poo in almost a week, which is strange considering the amount of probiotics I've taken.  But it could also explain why I'm not losing at weight.  I could eat some carbs to help move things along, but I really don't want any carbs.  I am really enjoying my protein/fat/carb ratio right now (though, really, I could stand to have a bit more protein and less fat).  Last night I read about medium-chain fatty acids, like the ones found in coconut milk.  I'm fascinated!  Essentially, it could help in weight loss.  We'll see. 

I've been eating every two hours.  More or less.  I have been really working to avoid junk food.  I want to run more outside, but between the weather (lots of icy days) and my shins/knees, it doesn't seem feasible. 

I just need to sleep.  Sorry, I'll write more later.